
Thank God for my wonderful…midwife’s apprentis. taking pictures of my son! I would be lost without them.  Everytime I can’t quiet remember what he looked like I have those to go to.  Anytime I just want to remember him and let some tears go, I have them. I have to admit I thought the idea of having pictures of my dead son was a little odd.  I have an “obsession” if you will with pictures. I love to take them, show them, give them as gifts, look back at the memories etc.  The thought of doing any of that, the day he died was not appealing. I cherish them though. I realize I can’t exactly share them with the world because well, not everyone may want to see them but I have them for me. I will have them forever and I have them for anyone who may want to see them. They are a beautiful reminder of yet another thing I have to look forward to in heaven.

One response to “pictures

  1. You should go to my blog, and then look at all the blogs I follow. Lots of people post pictures. I don’t think it matters what other people might want to see or not. If they don’t want to look, they can turn away. It is whatever is comfortable to you. There is always one person that is going to something crappy but you have to do what is right for you.

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